A Year and More!
I am backkkk! Who missed me? 🌝🤩😍
It's been about five week and checking the last blog on March 30th, I feel so happy I took some ME-TIME! Like, a time for myself, yeah! You should try it as well.
Let's start with how my examinations went. You remember the slang we do use in secondary school saying we would just carry all we've been taught and drop it gently in the exams papers, yesss! That's what I did. 🙂 Cramming right! Let's check that up in the dictionary, it seems words have been changing meanings lately.
(transitive) To put hastily through an extensive course of memorizing or study, as in preparation for an examination.
E.g: A pupil is crammed by his tutor.
(Copied from Oxford Offline English Dictionary. )
Oh, we are right! And here we go!
So yes, I did cram in preparation for my examinations. This particular course, Primary Health Care, I was discovering new topics few minutes to the commencement of our examinations. The lecturer had released a PDF note that contained about three topics, I read just one unknowingly. So, the pressure was worse!
I just took the handout and I scanned through it, but my mind was telling me this thing is important. Like play like play, I crammed the whole stuff. I had to repeat the pointers from the note like 100 times. I used silly songs and funny sentences to code some pointers. LoL! 😂🙂
Let me not tell you what happened when we had Anatomy and Physiology Exam, or when we had OSCE and VIVA. The examination period be like play, everyone was just wondering how we were about to finish, one week and we are done. Seriously, this is one tough stuff.
So, a little bit after that time, we went on holidays, just like three days or so. We would normally not have any. But the public holiday in-between the weekend gave us the chance to smell our houses and return back to start 200l! Boom!🔥💥🥂
This baby girl is in 200l, yeahhh! And the second strip is coming up on that cap soon! Oh, so beautiful! I really can't wait to dive into this semester and see the awesome stuffs, experience the tough times and see the shegee available. 👍😑💥
We resumed and I was so excited. I read two books during the holiday and I was able to successfully kidnap two books from my daddy's library. I took time to read books, map out some plans, watch movies, work on some projects and I sure did slept a lot.
One time our psychology lecturer was telling us that it's not okay to sleep for 12 hours in a day. Lmao😂👍
I be IDAN! I slept like something else during my break!
And I will always wake up feeling sleepy and tired again, so I'll just go back to sleep. 😌😂 Life no suppose too hard after exam na!
So now, we are back in school and I am really grateful for everything I have learnt so far. I completed two of my online courses during the break. I took up some programs but I later had to drop them off, burn out is real abeg! 😌👍
So here, how have you been?
Love and Light! 💡💛
Ebunoluwa O.
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