Few days ago, it was my birthday, on the 16th of May. I had looked forward to that day because I was about to be a majority.
Being 17 came with some limits and some opportunities. I was able to wave through some, but I was for no particular reason happy I would be 18 years soon. I was super excited.
I crossed out the 10-year plan goals I made at 16. I drew a new plan. I understand better and I saw some faults in those things I had planned to achieve and I at some time had to change my direction because I had understood my purpose better.
On my birthday, I wrote, "Cheers to Adulthood!"
These words did stir up some comments and I got messages from people that adulthood did start from 20, 21, 22, 23 and the likes.
As per the IDAN I am, I was prepared.
I sent this reply to one of them,
"The age of majority under the Nigerian law according to Section 29 (4) (a) of the 1999 constitution is defined as EIGHTEEN and above."
I knew little about some common laws, mostly the ones having to do with Women.
Well well, it's not been a whole lot different but now, I have a perfect target of who I want to be and what I want to do.
God has something greater in stock, that I know.
Unlike the undecided times!
Now, it is indeed a new dispensation.
Still, Cheers to Adulthood!
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